Tips for Picking the Perfect Sunglasses for Different Face Types

Tips for Picking the Perfect Sunglasses for Different Face Types

Picking the right sunglasses isn’t an easy task. There’s a lot more to consider than just UV protection. How well that protection works depends on how the sunglasses fit our face. Likewise, the way we look in sunglasses will vary depending on our facial features. We also need to consider issues like frame material or coatings. Keeping the following tips in mind will help you match sunglasses options with your facial features:

1. Aviator sunglasses for round faces
Round faces are defined by the sides of a face slightly curving outward. This facial type will also have a gently rounded chin. Looking at the face as a whole we can see that the cheekbones are the widest feature. This type of face is a perfect match for aviator sunglasses. Aviator sunglasses feature a rounded design which compliments rounder faces. On top of this the sunglasses usually taper to a point near one’s cheekbones. This helps to compliment one of the more prominent features on a rounder face. It’s also worth noting that this is a popular choice for Oakley sport RX sunglasses. It’s little wonder since the design was originally created for aviators.

2. Wayfarer sunglasses for oblong faces
Oblong faces are also sometimes called rectangular faces. This type of face is defined by being long from top to bottom instead of wide. We see facial features which are generally the same size. Only the chin displays a distinctive curve. Wayfarer sunglasses are a great match for oblong faces due to a similar emphasis on a rectangular design. These types of sunglasses are defined by a thicker frame. The visual emphasis on the frames will itself create a rectangular impression. As such it tends to create a great effect when paired with oblong faces.

3. Square framed sunglasses for heart-shaped faces
A heart-shaped face looks a lot like the hearts found in valentines. A heart-shaped face will combine a wide forehead with a narrow chin. Heart-shaped sunglasses do exist. However, square frames are generally a better match for heart-shaped faces. This is due to the fact that the real incline to one’s chin only becomes prominent past the point where sunglasses terminate. By using a square frame we can work with the heart-shaped face’s broad forehead.

4. Cat eye sunglasses for triangular faces
A triangular face is quite similar to a heart-shaped face. The main difference is that we find a larger emphasis on one’s chin. A cat eye style of sunglasses works through two different stylistic choices. The first point is that they also feature a design reminiscent of triangles. However, in this case the base is closer to the side of one’s face. By doing so they’re able to enact the secondary stylistic effect. People’s eyes are drawn away from the wearer’s pronounced chin and back up to the eyes. This generally creates a great effect which will quite literally capture people’s attention.

5. Retro round or teardrop glasses for oval faces
Oval faces are longer than they are wide. Sunglasses with a teardrop design are a great match for this type of face due to overall similarity between the two. We generally create a teardrop design by making a slightly narrowed oval. And this is exactly what we see with teardrop glasses as well. By mirroring the oval shape we can create a great synergistic effect. The end result is a stylish look that perfectly fits an oval face.