Quick and Tasty Snacks That Kids Can’t Get Enough of

Quick and Tasty Snacks That Kids Can’t Get Enough of

If there is one type of food that all kids equally love, it is snacks. Snacking is a fun and heart-warming part of growing up. Most parents associate snacking with unhealthy eating. This need not be the case. Here are some quick, healthy, and tasty snacks that kids will love:

Pizza toast
Is your kid craving some pizza? Then you can make your own pizza toast at home that is healthier and quicker to make. Add some pizza sauce, your kid’s favorite toppings, and some cheese on the toasted bread; and pop it into the oven until the cheese melts. Offer this lovely snack to your kid and watch their face light up with a smile!

Caramel popcorn
You can prepare this snack easily. Start by adding sugar, a couple of teaspoons of water, and a small cube of butter to a pan. Let it cook until the sugar caramelizes. Switch off the stove and add popcorn into the pan. Mix well until the popcorn is evenly coated with caramel. Kids can have this snack at any time of the day.

Penguin bananas
If you want to do something fun for your kid, then take firm yet ripe bananas and cut them in half, then peel them. Now, in a bowl, mix peanut butter and melted chocolate. Dip one half of the banana into this mix. Then add some raisins for penguin’s eye and freeze it for 20 minutes before serving. No kid will say no to this amazing treat.

Yogurt pops
This is a go-to snack for kids during summers. Mix together thick Greek yogurt, fruit juice of your choice, and honey, and pour the mix into popsicle molds. Freeze for five to six hours and serve them cold.

Waffle sticks with applesauce
For this dish, you can either make your own waffles and buy them from a store. Toast and cut them into finger-sized pieces. Now serve them with unsweetened applesauce as a dip. This is an interesting snack that will keep your child engaged for a while. You can even top it with fresh strawberry pieces.

Apple donuts
Cut an apple into circular slices. Now, spread some chocolate sauce on a couple of slices and decorate them with rainbow sprinklers. Add a mix of cream cheese and honey onto a few other slices. You can decorate these with fresh fruits. Serve this colorful assembly in the form of donuts.

Kids enjoy their snacking time. Parents can easily turn healthy foods into tasty snacks and offer them to their kids. Try to make some of these quick snacks that kids will love at home. Offer these delights once they are back from school. They will definitely love these mouthwatering recipes.