8 Things Travel Insurance Does Not Cover

8 Things Travel Insurance Does Not Cover

Purchasing travel insurance can ease a worried mind when planning a trip as it will cover financial losses associated with unforeseen circumstances. From standard travel insurance medical coverage to cruise travel insurance, and travel insurance for seniors to travel interruption insurance that covers trip insurance for flights and other unforeseen circumstances that prevent a trip, there is surely a form that will suit the specific needs for your trip. Although getting travel insurance online from providers like Manulife Global Travel Insurance can be a lifesaver, it is important to know the details of what exactly it covers before you begin making assumptions. Here are 8 things travel insurance does not cover:

1. Natural disasters that started before you bought travel insurance
If a natural disaster such as a hurricane, tornado, or volcano eruption is speculated to occur during your trip, you must purchase travel insurance before it actually happens. In the scenario of a hurricane, if it has begun before you buy insurance, you will have missed the window of coverage that would compensate for hurricane-related trip cancellations. With this in mind, you should consider buying travel insurance immediately after you book your trip.

2. Last minute cancellations
If you decide at the last minute that you would rather not set sail on the cruise ship trip you planned, your travel insurance will not reimburse you. Some travel insurance offers an add-on for a “cancel for any reason” coverage; however, it does require you to cancel at least 48 hours before the trip. So, if you make your decision less than 48 hours before, you will have missed the chance of coverage. Make sure you check this detail on your travel insurance before making any decisions.

3. Illegal or risky activities
It comes to a surprise for most to learn many vacation activities that appear safe are actually considered high-risk activities. This includes parasailing, jet-skiing, swimming with sharks, scuba diving, and more. Additionally, your travel insurance will not cover you for doing anything unnecessarily dangerous or illegal, such as driving a car without a valid license. This area of travel insurance is where reading the fine print comes in handy!

4. Activities involving intoxication or substance abuse
The majority of travel insurance plans will not cover any accidents or injuries that occur as a result of intoxication or substance abuse. If you injure yourself diving into the shallow end of your resort’s pool after indulging in some all-inclusive alcoholic drinks, you shouldn’t expect any coverage.

5. Civil and political unrest
The majority of travel insurance policies will not include coverage for things like civil riots or even declared war. This is due to the fact that most cases of civil and political unrest do not affect an entire country or city, so your trip is possible to attend even if you do not want to. Be aware of where you are traveling to and make valuable decisions before booking your trip.

6. Medical tourism
Medical tourism is a typical exclusion for many travel insurance plans. If you have planned a trip to obtain medical treatment such as cosmetic surgery, dental care, or fertility treatments, you should not expect any coverage on hospital bills or aftercare.

7. Pre-existing health conditions
If you experience issues with an unstable health condition during your trip (unstable, meaning in the week preceding your trip you experienced complications related to the health condition) it will likely be excluded from the coverage policy based on stability requirements.