7 Foods That Trigger Epilepsy and Treatment Options
Medications to Treat Epilepsy
Epilepsy is a disorder of the brain that causes recurring and unprovoked seizures, which are the main sign of epilepsy. A diagnosis is based on a person having had two or more unprovoked seizures. Seizures are a result of a temporary change in the brain where excessive electrical activity occurs and, in turn, alters an individual’s behavior. While medications such as Epidolex (Cannabidiol), Aptiom (Eslicarbazepine acetate), Vimpat (Lacosamide), Fycompa (Perampanel), Lyrica (Pregabalin), and Midazolam injections can assist in controlling seizures, there are certain foods that can trigger seizures and worsen the condition of those with epilepsy. Here are some foods to avoid if you suffer from epilepsy:
1. CaffeineÂ
Many drinks contain caffeine such as coffee, tea, sodas, energy drinks, and so on. Consuming caffeine increases the risk of seizures in that it has the ability to lower the efficacy of certain epilepsy medications while also potentially interfering with sleep patterns that can trigger tiredness seizures. While it may depend on the individual, someone who stops drinking caffeine after regular intake may experience withdrawal, thus, triggering seizures.
2. Sugar
Blood sugar levels can have a significant impact on the number of seizures an epileptic individual may experience. As such, it is important to monitor how much sugar you consume and avoid known sugary foods such as cakes, cookies, or ice cream. If you are epileptic, you should be watching your glucose levels and attempting to keep them steady as a means of reducing the amount of seizures you experience.
3. Chocolate
Chocolate contains caffeine as well as high amounts of sugar that already impact the risk of seizures. What’s more, chocolate contains theobromine, which can affect brain activity and, as a result, it has the potential to be a trigger for seizures. It is best for those with epilepsy to avoid chocolate due to its contents and ability to trigger seizures. Instead, consider reaching for fresh fruit to curb your sweet tooth.
4. Excess salt
Foods that contain excess salt, such as chips or salted nuts, can be harmful if you have epilepsy as it can trigger seizures. It is valuable to be aware of the amount of salt you are consuming and try to substitute salty foods with other snacks like fruits or vegetables.
5. Animal proteins
Animal proteins, such as meat, eggs, and milk, may be a trigger to individuals with epilepsy as they can suddenly change the body’s metabolism. If medications are not broken down properly it can impact the drugs effectiveness and increase the number of seizures one experiences.
6. Alcohol
The consumption of alcohol raises two concerns for those with epilepsy. Firstly, alcohol has the ability to impact the rate that the liver breaks down epileptic medications, thus affecting the drugs effectiveness and power to control seizures. Secondly, the more you drink, the higher the risk that you’ll have a seizure. In fact, the chances of experiencing a seizure are much higher after 3 or more alcoholic beverages. It may be best to avoid alcohol or keep it to a strict minimum of 1 or 2 drinks per day.
7. Citrus fruits
While citrus fruits, such as grapefruit, lemon, and lime, do not directly trigger seizures, they can interfere with your medication. Such fruits, or citrus fruit juices, can increase the chances of experiencing side effects from epilepsy medicine. This interference occurs due to the fruit’s ability to speed up the way your body metabolizes, or breaks down, food and medications. Not only does this increase chances of side effects, but it could make the drug less effective and consequently increase the number of seizures you experience.