5 Home Remedies for Flea and Pest Control

5 Home Remedies for Flea and Pest Control

Fleas, ticks, and other pests (like mice and roaches) can be a nuisance to your pets, causing itching, allergies, and other health issues if left untreated. They can also transmit diseases between your pets and other members of your household, and damage property like furniture, carpeting, bedding, and food. Failure to notice and remedy pests in your home could result in a serious pest infestation. Luckily, there are home remedies you can use without worrying about chemical-exposure:

1. Baking soda

This is one of the most common and effective homemade flea control remedies. All you have to do is sprinkle a generous amount of baking soda on the affected area of your home, like the carpet or furniture. Use a hard brush to help the baking soda get deeper into the fibers, then let it sit for a few minutes. After that, vacuum the carpet, dispose of the dust and pests into an airtight bag, and throw it outside, far away from the house.

2. Dish soap

Dish soap is a remedy used to set a trap for fleas, fruit flies, and ants by acting as a glue to trap them. Mix dish soap and hot water into a bowl, then place it into the rooms where you have noticed a lot of insects. Once fleas or fruit flies land in the mixture, its high viscosity makes it hard for them to fly out again. For this method to be effective, you should do it at night when the pests are nocturnal. You may have to set out a new mixture a few times to eliminate all pests.

3. Lemon

You can use lemon to make a DIY citrus spray to spray on flea or tick infested furniture, surfaces, and bedding. To make the spray, cut a thin slice of lemon, add it into a pint of water, and let it boil. Leave the solution to sit overnight and add it to a spray bottle. The next day, you can spray the solution on every infested surface, even pet toys, and bedding. Limit the amount of spray you use, ensuring you only dampen the surfaces instead of soaking them. However, you should ensure your pets are not around, especially cats, as they may have an allergic reaction to lemon, and often are repelled by the odor.

4. Diatomaceous earth

This is one of the safest and least toxic homemade flea control remedies, as it is made using fossilized algae. It is a very effective way to deal with pests with a waxy exoskeleton (i.e fleas, ants, and ticks) since it can penetrate their outer protective layer. To use diatomaceous earth, sprinkle it around the areas with the highest pest activities. Once the insects come into contact with it, it penetrates their outer shells and gets into their bodies, eventually causing death from dehydration. Let diatomaceous earth sit out for two days, then vacuum it up. One of the biggest advantages of this remedy is that it eliminates adult fleas, larvae, and eggs. This way, you don’t have to deal with another flea infestation once the eggs hatch. You can also sprinkle it on your bedding as it is pet friendly.

5. Rosemary

This is a natural flea and mosquito repellent, so it will help eliminate these insects from your home and keep them from returning. One of the common ways to use it is as a powder, made simply by grinding the herb. Alternatively, herbs like lavender, peppermint, and fennel will also deter fleas. Just check with your vet for pet precautions, as some herbs (especially peppermint) may be toxic to cats. You can spray the powder on all infested areas like furniture, carpet, and window sills. You can also make a rosemary and lemongrass spray to use instead of Frontline spray on your pets. To make the spray, add a handful of lemongrass and rosemary into a pot, add a liter of water, bring to a boil, transfer into a bowl, add a few drops of geranium oil, and cover to cool. Let it sit overnight, then strain it into a spray bottle.