5 Helpful Breastfeeding Tips for New Mothers

5 Helpful Breastfeeding Tips for New Mothers

Breastfeeding has many benefits for new moms and babies. This is why many moms choose to breastfeed. However, many moms become discouraged when very common problems occur. Yet most breastfeeding problems are issues that can easily be resolved.

Positioning, nursing schedule, length of nursing time and leaking inconveniences are a few breastfeeding issues that many new moms confront. Let’s take a look at some helpful breastfeeding tips and advice:

1. Help baby position
A variety of breastfeeding positions exists for new moms to choose from. The right position can help a baby latch on correctly. Overall a baby should be placed so that their body is facing the mom. The newborn’s hips, shoulders and head should be aligned. Three common breastfeeding positions are: crossover hold, football hold, laid-back position and side-lying position

2. Take care of your skin
A woman’s body undergoes many changes throughout pregnancy and during breastfeeding. There are simple ways new moms can maintain healthy skin and nipples while breastfeeding which include staying hydrated by drinking water, Using Vitamin C creams for hyperpigmentation problems and moisturizing your skin and nipples with products that are breastfeeding friendly

3. Get comfortable when nursing
Being comfortable while breastfeeding can create a pleasant experience for new moms and their babies. Moms should ensure they are in a position that supports their body, breast and baby:

  • Body support: The couch or chair a mom uses should provide arm and back support. Have a table, pillows or footstool available to prop feet up, while nursing. Pillows can be useful while breastfeeding in bed.
  • Breast support: Breastfeeding moms often experience heaviness in their breasts. They can support their breasts by using the C-Hold.
  • Baby support: To ensure a baby’s comfort, while breastfeeding, they should be level with the moms nipple and breast. The baby’s mouth should be across from mom’s nipple.

4. Let baby determine time and duration when nursing
Newborns develop their own breastfeeding schedules. A woman’s body is able to produce milk according to that schedule. It will produce more milk or less depending on the demand of the baby. How fast a baby removes milk from the breast can determine the length of time it takes him or her to breastfeed. A breast pump for mothers whose schedules are not flexible may be an option.

5. Leaks are normal
There are a variety of reasons new moms experience leaks, it is a normal occurrence. For moms whose body produces more milk than their baby needs, an Edgepark breast pump offers a convenient solution. Controlling and hiding breast milk leaks is possible by feeding the baby when the breasts begin to feel full, breastfeeding the baby if leaking starts or placing nursing pads in your bra.

The benefits of breastfeeding can outweigh any problems a mom may experience at first. Most moms can successfully breastfeed by applying the basic techniques and tips above while having adequate support from family and healthcare aids.